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Fairbanks to Fayetteville

Hey y'all! I'm back! I know I know, I just sort of disappeared on you guys without so much as a note. I promise I can explain though!

Long story short my computer got fried (way back in March) and I didn't have another one to work on and then........I MOVED! Yep. I made my way down from the last frontier to the natural state. More specifically: Fayetteville, Arkansas.

Why Arkansas? You might ask...

Well this, much like my computer dying on me, was not part of my life plan actually. I'm just going to stop making life plans cause I always do something completely different anyway.

So here's the situation: I'm beyond broke right now so I WAS going to move back to Nebraska to live with my parents for a summer. I had a job lined up and everything. Then my parents decided to move out of Omaha. Great timing right? So that left me a little stranded. I didn't have enough money to move straight to Kansas City (which is still a life plan of mine...we'll see how that one turns out) or to rent an apartment of my own in Omaha. Luckily I have some amazing friends and two of them were going to let me squeeze in to their small apartment with them for the summer. So I was all set to survive for a few months on an air mattress when my brother calls and says he has an open room in AR. That little bit of information took me straight back to square one. I could either choose to stay in Omaha where everything was a sure thing (I had friends, a job, everything about it was safe) or I could move to Fayetteville where I had no job lined up and only know my brother...

I didn't spend a lot of time thinking about it though if I'm honest. Arkansas was an adventure, a new experience, and I literally CANNOT say no to that. Seriously. I can't. I don't know how. So I made my way from Alaska to Arkansas (it took me two weeks of beautiful and exciting traveling which you'll hear about soon) and here I am.

And I love it. Fayetteville has such an easy going atmosphere, there's tons of hiking, and, believe it or not, a friend from freshman year of college JUST moved here too so now we get to explore Northwest Arkansas together! I'm so excited for whatever Arkansas has in store for me. Now I just need to find a job...

Til that happens I'm going to spend a little time working on the blog site, hiking, and loving life (I'll probably do those things after I get a job too).

Now you're all caught up on my life! It's time to get back to regular posts. Thank you all so much for the support you have shown and for not forgetting about me! I promise not to disappear on you like that again. Or I'll at least leave you a note next time.

Much love,



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