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All original content posted by Emily Moore on Millie Moore Style is copyright protected. This includes any photos not provided by Wix or other sponsors, all original blog posts, the name Millie Moore Style, and any other uploaded content from Emily.  While it is encouraged to share blog posts, links, and photos from the site credit needs to be given to Emily for content.

Limited Liability:

Emily is not liable for the actions (such as comments) of others on this site.  Emily is sharing personal thoughts, opinions, and experiences and is therefore not liable when others have different results from her with products, companies, etc.

Privacy Policy:

The only personal data that Emily collects via her blog site are emails (only voluntarily) from site visitors.  No personal information that is ever collected for or by Emily's blog is ever shared with third parties.  The email addresses are solely for the purpose of sending out updates related to the blog (e.g. new blog post shoutouts).  If at any time someone does not wish to have their email address accessible to Emily for these things they can unsubscribe or contact her and inform her that they would like to have their information removed.  Emily will immediately honor any requests to remove personal information.


External Links:

Any links for other websites falls under their terms and conditions and Emily is not responsible for them.

Governing Law:

Emily operates her blog from the Alaska in the United States and abides by their laws

Rules of Conduct:

Leaving comments on the blog and contacting Emily is encouraged but visitors to the site are expected to be respectful of one another.  Emily reserves the right to block anyone sharing inappropriate or abusive content. If a visitor violates any of Emily's policies she maintains the right to block them from the site.


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